New sample holder for protein crystallography

An HZB research team has developed a novel sample holder that considerably facilitates the preparation of protein crystals for structural analysis.

A short video by the team shows how proteins in solution can be crystallised directly onto the new sample holders themselves, then analysed using the MX beamlines at BESSY II. A patent has already been granted and a manufacturer found. Proteins are huge molecules that often have complex three-dimensional structure and morphology that can include side chains, folds, and twists. This three-dimensional shape is often the determining factor of their function in organisms. It is therefore important to understand the structure of proteins both for fundamental research in biology and for the development of new drugs. To accomplish this, proteins are first precipitated from solution as tiny crystals, then analysed using facilities such as the MX beamlines at BESSY II in order to generate a computer image of the macromolecular structure from the data.

>Read more on the BESSY II at HZB website

Image: Up to three indivudal drops may be placed onto the sample holder.
Credit: HZB