New catalysts for the synthesis of organic compounds

Research proposes new mechanism for Suzuki-type C-C homocoupling reaction catalyzed by palladium nanocubes


The production of chemical compounds from simpler organic molecules is of great importance for various industrial processes. It is based on the bonding between carbons of the precursor organic compounds, aided by catalysts (typically transition metals). These reactions make it possible to obtain natural and synthetic substances for the development of new materials, such as polymers and pharmaceuticals.

In particular, the so-called carbon-carbon (CC) cross-coupling reactions, in which two different precursor molecules are bound to form the final chemical compound, are of such importance that their development granted the 2010 Nobel Prize in chemistry to researchers Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki.

Another type of coupling reaction is the C-C homocoupling reaction, in which two similar precursor molecules bond forming a symmetrical final compound. These reactions began to gain prominence due to their similarities to cross-coupling reactions, which allowed the optimization and development of new catalysts for both mechanisms.


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